Saturday, June 6, 2015

God's PlanTrumps Even My Dreams

Today is the start of the Fuller Center Bike Ride. Five days ago I was to pack up a bag, join some from the team and carpool out to California. I did pack a bag but instead of driving due West, I drove due South.  I was looking forward to this summer. Biking and hiking for 2 months was what my soul needed. I felt like it was definitely in God’s plan for me to bike and serve like I did last summer, then hike a trail that was on my bucket list. I in a way thought it was fate because of how smoothly I was able to raise above and beyond the funds I needed to support the bike ride and how we got a permit to hike the JMT on our first try – with 5 other friends! This adventure in my heart is such an amazing way to serve others in a unique way!

So instead of dipping my back tire into the Pacific Ocean and joining friends I am home in Alabama. Over the last month I have learned a lot. Obviously I am not able to complete the section of the ride I was supposed to do. I was upset in the beginning. This adventure, getting out and riding through neat cities and towns, reuniting with old friends, meeting new people, and the freedom biking brings is something that helped motivate me to make it through working several jobs. I know there are other rides.  I learned that I serve and love a God whose authority trumps my dreams and passions. He is ultimately my passion. He had other plans for me his summer. For those that don’t know I have been having some medical issues the last month and a half.  Having to stop doing just about everything and learning more to allow my body to rest is something that I am not used to. Resting in the truth that all things will be okay. Understanding more of trust and faith. I have only been able to get on my bike once for a 7 mile ride in the last month and a half. I would let you know what is going on with my body but that is an unknown that many specialists are trying to figure out. I can tell you that is some type of neurological inflammation/auto immune issue.

For those that have donated and support this amazing Fuller Center Organization I strongly encourage you to follow them on Facebook and see a unique way that God works through simply biking!! They have a good solid team of close to 40 cyclists that are passionate and excited about the ride! Please pray for their safety, their experience, and their witness to so many people! OYEE!!