I know people have asked how they can help be a part of this
ride. There are several routes you can take.
One way is through donations. I have to raise $3600.00 (a
dollar a mile). The overall group goal we have is one million dollars. The
money goes to various Fuller Center projects throughout the US and the world.
None of the money will go towards me, but strictly to the ministry. If you are
interested in donating you can go to this website: http://fullercenter.org/bikeadventure/meettheriders.
Once on the website, you can scroll down to my name/profile and click on
“sponsor her ride.” This is a secure
website and the funding goes directly to the organization. All donations are tax deductible.
The second way you can join my journey is through prayers
and support. There will be a lot of learning, praying, training (mentally,
emotionally, physically, and spiritually), and preparation that will go into
this ride. Prayers for training and even throughout the ride would be
I hope you can join my ride and see all the things God is
about to do through my learning and growth as well as the way this team will
serve. God bless and hope you join the ride!
“For every house is
built by someone, but the building of all things is God.”
Hebrews 3:4
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