Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pennsylvania and her rolling hills

I can't believe it is already day 8. I feel like I have known the people I'm with a lot longer. Our time in Kensington was humbling and amazing. We worked alongside Shane and Katie Claiborne and Mike with the Simple Way Ministry. Our service day was spent helping them move office locations so it involved a lot of lifting and carrying beds, boxes, and office supplies. It was hard work but it felt so good to do whatever we could. We left Kensington, PA and biked around 100 miles to Hershey where the Hershey Community Church of the Nazarene housed us, feed us, and took us to chocolate world. I think I am giving all these people we meet along the way the name of road angles. On the Appalachian Trail there are trail angels. These strangers are so giving and they don't even know us. It just shows me more and more the working of God's family. From Hershey we were introduced to Pennsylvania's hills with a 57 mile day that took us to the historic Gettysburg. Today we got a double doozie. We had hills and rain. I don't think the sun has been out much the last three days. It was a hard 75 mile day for me. My legs felt weak and my knees sore as my body is trying to get used to biking day to day. The route took us over the Appalachian Trail. Memories filling my mind of some of 5 Alive's days spent in these mountains. I am thankful that I am able to do something similar but also something so different now. We had two main climbs that were 3 1/2 - 4 miles each. Patty Griffin songs of Rain and Up To the Mountain filling my head. Both very appropriate today. At times we rode through fog which helped because I couldn't see how much climbing was ahead. Not knowing if the water dripping off of my face, arms, and legs was from rain or sweat. Probably one of the hardest rides I have done. I tried catching glimpses of the mountains when the fog parted. This is such a beautiful state!! I rode most of the day alone as I tried soaking everything up. We have now ridden a little over 300 miles. Tonight we are in Everett, PA sleeping on a pew in a sanctuary. The pastor and some of the congregation cooked a delicious meal and hung out with us. Tomorrow is another mid 70 mile day with quite a few big climbs. Everyone has done such a good job and are all troopers! Again so blessed by this opportunity, the message of this ministry, and the people sharing it with me.

Please check out the and read the blogs our group posts daily. There are also pictures on The Fuller Center Facebook page.

Keep is in your prayers!


Hebrews 3:4

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